Thursday, March 24, 2011


Thought for the day: ya know how you get those gifts from people who dont really know you at all? they get this bogus gift for you that you are trying really hard to like but its just not YOU? Today I'm just SO HAPPY to know that God knows me so well that he gives me the most amazing gifts. I cause sit in a store and stare at a few items and have NO CLUE which one i want, I obviously know myself pretty well but i'm indecisive or else I buy something and return it when its just not what i was really looking for... but Gods gifts I would NEVER return or trade in. his gifts are valuable and it is because he LOVES me and Knows my needs. God is so Great! Just think about the things that please you. the sunset, the sound of rain, color, scents, a spring morning with birds chirping... so many things that God has given to us as gifts because he loves us and he knows what pleases us. I came to this thought as I lay there staring at my daughter who put her arm around me and kissed my forehead. she is not even two yet and she is an amazing gift from God. She is my little princess and I would give her anything her heart desired <unless it was going to hurt her> this is the part where we need to realize that God will give us anything our heart wants... he loves us and wants us to be happy just like i want my children to be happy. My daughter would eat candy until she passed out and then wake up and want more... but I know as her Mommy that candy is not good for her and that she needs to eat healthy food and candy is in moderation. God knows that a lot of things we desire are junk and he instead hands us this huge plate of broccoli. we learn to choke it down and it is a blessing behind a mask. but there are those gifts that you just cling to. those gifts you hold onto so tightly because you never want to lose the happieness it brings to you. God is so Marvelous and if you just give him your desires and let him choose what gifts he wants for you (instead of pushing away the broccoli and grabbing the chocolates) you will be truely and completely satisfied. I PROMISE!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

the secret of life

today i dont have too much to say. i am blessed beyond measure. i am loved. i am smiling. and honestly i really believe that the secret to life is being happy. what we want is not always practical, but life is anything but practical in return! why do you think that people have dreams and goals and ambitions? because they find the things in life that they cannot live without and they either pursue them and enjoy life doing so, or they just keep dreaming about them wishing that they would one day stop being so lazy and excuse crazy and actually DO what they love doing. who wants to live for something other than what they are doing now? i challange you to take a step out of your comfort zone. stop making excuses for what is stsopping you, and LIVE HAPPILY!!!!!!!! why on earth would you want to live in a miserable situation? we all have a choice as of how we will live for today, we all can control our attitudes about how we will percieve our day and our future. -->so we get a flat tire on the way to work and we were already running late. just smile and think of it as a little time to ourselves instead of the beginning of a really crappy day! just sing a happy tune and LOVE YOUR LIFE NO MATTER WHAT!! its "your" life and it's "your" attitude that determines if you are happy or not. you cannot plan out the perfect day/life and have it follow through without a little bump or cliff along the way. and if you drive off the cliff well just think of it as living on a different level of the road. instead of going to the mountains your going to the valley.... be adventurous and flexible. choose to be happy and seriously go after what you have always wanted to do. you are loved too much by our creator to live a boring life. take chances. do what makes you smile. God wants us to smile!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011


being that it is almost time for spring i wanted to post something to remind us that seasons are not just for the earths changes but for our souls changes as well. each of us has seasons with different purposes for our lives. sometimes we go through a dry spell where nothing seems to happen and we are just thirsty. the thirst never seems to end. then all of a sudden we are flooded with rain... say bad rain where it storms and we are hurting and crying and confused. then the rain stops and the sun warms the soil of our souls and we can't seem to figure out what happened to change our desert into an ocean and then into a tropical island vacation. there are so many different seasons that our spirit must go through in order to grow and learn. sometimes we dont realize that we are going through seasons but this is the greates explanation example i have had to help me understand my lifes ups and downs. not too long ago i went through a season of my life that felt like winter. the dead of night in the freezing cold. i was cold hearted, i just didn't care about much. i wasn't depressed. i wasn't overworked. i was emotionally exhausted though. i'd forgotten to talk to my best friend in all the world in far too long, and God desperately was trying to get my attention. my heart had this attitude problem because i couldnt find that love that Jesus usaully filled my soul with. right now i am going through that season where i feel like the sun is just waiting to shine on me again, and that season i know very well and i miss its abundancy. what season are you in right now? what time are you looking forward to? does your spirit feel dead? do not fear, the next season is about to rise up. are you feeling at the top of the world? do not get comfortable because seasons change for everyone and in everyseason we need to keep God close to our hearts. do not think that this sunshine will stay forever, and if you lose your trust in God you will soon find out how much you really rely on him. For he is with us always, but are we always with him? without seasons in our lives we would not have growth and learning. if we did not have the warmth of the sun we would never know God's love and if we did not have the tears and the cold nights all alone we would not know God's love. God allows all things to work together for OUR GOOD for those who love him. i've been told (and am trying to learn) to give God the glory in all things. Put it into practice and you will find that even on the coldest of nights you are not alone and that seasons change.

Thursday, January 13, 2011


i was just talking with a dear friend about "passion".
     Passion is something that do not find in very many people, to be honest. i know everyone has passions, but to be passionate is deeper than admiring something. maybe i am talking more about finding people who LIVE PASSIONATELY, who TALK PASSIONATELY. Intense people. i love surrounding myself with passionate people. i love watching peoples eyes widen as they speak and i love listening to someones voice louden and pick up pace as they lean inward with such excitement. you feel everything that person feels, you connect. how often do you actually get to connect to another person in your life? it does not happen every day. how often do we get to have a conversation with somenone that goes deeper into your soul and keeps you contemplating about everything you think and feel and believe? how often do you meet someone who has a heart that conquors even themselves. real heart. real desire. real passion? when i meet people with whom i connect to easily, with those that i find keep me questioning myself and inspiring me, i hold on to them dearly because i know how truely amazing a friendship like that is. So i would like to thank those few people who inspire me daily. i am blessed to have found you. after all, is it CONNECTION that we all strive to have? and Passionate people are the kinds of people i LOVE connecting with.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

A Childs Eyes

It is a completely different perspective when you are perceived by adults and veiwed by children. adults look at the bigger picture, i think. when i look at another adult i see first, the clothes and the hair. it is completely materialistic. then i notice the way they carry themselves and how they speak. that is when i make my judgement. are they screaming? crying? are they egotistical or trying to tuck away into the crowd? But my Children, they do not see like I do. they get a different vibe from people completely made up of feelings. how do they feel when they are approached by someone. they are the best judges of character because they do not know the difference in looks yet. I wish that i could see people the way that my children do. i wish i could close my eyes and open my heart to feel the good and the bad. So my main point of this blog is to veiw myself. what do my children see every day when they look at me? if i walked you through my day you would see a variety of attitudes and not all of them pretty. first thin in the morning i roll out of bed and make some food. i usually get my kids dressed before i dress myself. i let them watch tv while i get ready. i let my dogs outside and fill up the food bowls for them. i try to clean up some messes that are made and cannot be avoided. i yell. i laugh. i get vacant. but what do my kids see? they notice when i forget to say please or thank you. they notice how much time i spend doing my make up instead of playing silly games with them. they notice when i dont play by the rules and they notice how i treat others. they hear every word i say throughout the day. so my thought of the day for myself would be that i need to be aware of who i am. because THAT is what i am teaching my children to be. my kids could care less what i tell them but they will repeat every action they see come from me, their mother, their role model.